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Research on the Balance of Financial Appropriation in Colleges and Universities----Take 31 universities of finance and economics as an example

Authors:Lin-ting Cheng
Affiliation:Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China
Information:Cross-Border Trade and E-commerce, September 2022 Vol.1, No.3, pp 60-70
Abstract:This paper takes 31 colleges and universities of finance and economics as the research object, and finds that the financial appropriation of finance and economics colleges and universities has a significant phenomenon of "Matthew effect", which makes the problem of unbalanced financial appropriation in colleges and universities increasingly prominent. By expounding the historical evolution of key university projects and the differences in the departments of finance and economics universities, the reasons for the imbalance of financial appropriation in China are explained, and the phenomenon of "Matthew effect" appropriation is explained from the concept of talent training, the scale of higher education, and the dependence of institutional paths. Therefore, it is necessary to standardize the selection and evaluation criteria of the double first-class; to help the disadvantaged financial and economic colleges and universities to slow down the development speed of the problem of unbalanced financial appropriation.
Keywords:Financial allocation gap Intercollegiate Gap Path Dependence of Finance and Economics Universities
Cite This Article:Cheng L. T. (2022). Research on the Balance of Financial Appropriation in Colleges and Universities----Take 31 universities of finance and economics as an example. Cross-Border Trade and E-commerce, September 2022 Vol.1, No.3, pp 60-70.