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Formalism in the Implementation of Ideological and Political Curriculum: Manifestations and Causes

Authors:Wei-qin Yuan
Affiliation:School of Law and Sociology, Chongqing Anti-Corruption Research Center, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing, China
Information:Journal of History, Culture and Humanities, November 2022 Vol.1 No.5, pp 43-47
Abstract:The ideological and political course should not only be set up but also effectively implemented, otherwise it cannot achieve the desired purpose. The ideological and political courses in China have generally achieved good results, but there are problems of formalism in some classes. In some classes, ideological and political courses are only offered on the curriculum but rarely implemented. In some other classes, there is too much time for actual teaching content to deviate from the course theme. And in some courses, many students of the class are absent-minded. The causes include the lack of the teachers' ideological and political professional ability, the lack of strong teaching ability, the audacity of teachers due to their insufficient understanding of the importance of curriculum.
Keywords:Formalism;Implementation ,Ideological and Political Curriculum;Manifestations; Causes
Cite This Article:Yuan W.Q. (2022). Formalism in the Implementation of Ideological and Political Curriculum: Manifestations and Causes. Journal of History, Culture and Humanities, November 2022 Vol.1 No.5, pp 43-47