Education Theory: Teaching and LearningOpen Access

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Analyzing the Challenges Facing the School Curriculum in the Context of the Information Society

Authors:Zhen-Yuan Zan
Affiliation:City University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Information:Received: September 28 2023 / Accepted: October 5, 2023 / Published: October 12, 2023
Abstract:The impact of information technology (IT) on society is broad and profound, and people living in the information society need to be lifelong learners and constantly adapt to cope with the rapidly changing present and future. The education system in every country faces challenges and problems in developing and implementing the curriculum. There is a general consensus that the curriculum is the central vehicle of schooling, but consensus does not mean that curriculum development has become a real driving force in school development. Curriculum tends to lag behind social change and is relatively closed and conservative, so the school curriculum in the context of the information society is facing a great challenge of change. In the information society, the new media represented by the Internet is shaping a new social culture with its own logic, and cultural monopoly and authority are further subverted and dissolved. Some scholars have pointed out that the change of cultural communication media from oral to written to electronic and then to data is a process in which cultural resources are constantly shared and cultural democracy is constantly expanded. The impact of information technology on society is broad and profound, and individuals living in the information society need to become lifelong learners, constantly adapting to cope with a rapidly changing present and future. Education systems in every country face challenges and problems in developing and implementing curricula.
Keywords:Curriculum; Information technology; Internet; Traditional schools; Sociology-cultural
Cite This Article:Zan Z.Y. Analyzing the Challenges Facing the School Curriculum in the Context of the Information Society. Education Theory: Teaching and Learning. 2023,2(5):28-34.